WANTED — Tree Warden and Footpaths Officer


Two honorary official posts, of TREE WARDEN and FOOTPATHS OFFICER for the Parish Council, are currently vacant.

The Tree Warden helps to advise the Parish Council on applications for tree works in the village – for tree pruning, felling, lopping, topping, etc.   It is an important role in this rural setting, and ideally, the Warden should have some experience and knowledge of forestry or of trees generally.

The Footpaths Officer reports to the Parish Council on the condition of the parish’s footpaths, rights of way, tracks, etc.  He or she will be someone who enjoys walking the extensive paths on a regular basis, and can be proactive in reporting problems, or in dealing with minor clearance personally.  Ideally, he or she should have some knowledge of rights of way law and related matters.

If you are interested in either of these posts, would you please contact either the chairman, Bernard Griffiths, at bernard.griffiths@abbottsann.com

or the locum clerk, Mrs Amy Taylor, on clerk@abbottsann.com