WI Newsletter – September 2012

I have been so busy, not had time to open laptop and get tapping to report on this month’s activities, but here goes.

Naturally it started with the Village Fete and several of our members were up at the sportsfield early in the day getting everything ready for the afternoon’s refreshments. Cakes were delivered throughout the morning; the tables were soon full of lovely home cakes of all flavours, shapes and sizes. We had some eager customers even before the fete had been officially opened. Our members were kept very busy all afternoon serving cakes, making tea and clearing up. Thank you everyone who made a cake or helped in any way to make our refreshments such a success, again. All contributions are much appreciated.

The venue for our walk this month was the countryside around the village of Upper Chute, it was a lovely sunny September morning – these walks are an ideal opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

This month we saw the first meeting of The Supper Club, the idea of Jenny Gorski – this is ideal for members who work during the week and have family commitments which prevent them from attending the coffee mornings, lunch club or walking group. 13 of us (unlucky?) got together at the Poplar Farm Inn in Abbotts Ann and had a great time, conversation never stopped and I couldn’t possibly reveal the topics being discussed – some of you might be quite surprised, could this really be the W.I. – absolutely yes.

Aileen Catterson kindly hosted this month’s coffee morning and the lunch club met at The George in Middle Wallop.

There may be many different opinions about education in this country, but at least children have access to free state education at both primary and secondary level, whether all students in this age bracket are appreciative of this fact is also up for debate. This is not the case in Ghana and our speaker David Lunan from Abbotts Ann told us about the EDP Trust and its aim to build a school for children aged 14 – 18 when access to free education ceases in that Country.

The project is two-thirds of the way through its ambitions to offer education to 315 students and of course this has involved a great deal of fund raising and support from many sources. Accompanying David at our meeting were two teachers from Winton School in Andover, Ann Kelly and Peter Donkor, who both spoke of their moving experiences visiting the school and a nearby orphanage. The students, mostly from disadvantaged backgrounds, are very keen to learn as they are aware that this will improve their prospects of getting good jobs when the time comes. Our members were impressed by David’s enthusiasm for this project.

In October Kelly Jenkins will be encouraging us to get crafty, we have no idea what she will be asking us to make, but we are eager to find out – 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall on 25th October.

As can be seen below in our Diary Dates there are plenty of opportunities for our members to get together apart from our monthly meetings and we are always delighted to welcome new faces. No-one has to commit to joining straightaway, you can either come to the village hall for one of our meetings or if you would prefer to meet us informally first, then please do get in touch – see our contact pages on this website.

Diary Dates:
01 October – Danebury Group Meeting

10 October – Supper Club

13 October – Walking Group

16 October – Coffee Morning

18 October – Skittles Team in action

23 October – Reading Group

24 October – HCFWI Autumn Meeting – The Anvil, Basingstoke (ticketed event)

25 October – Meeting 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – A Crafty Evening with Kelly Jenkins

27 October – Lunch Club

Sharon King