Andover Rotary Club Covid 19 Fund

Should you wish in the current crisis, and are not already doing so, to help those less fortunate than yourself but are not sure how to you are most welcome to join us in our endeavours:-

The Rotary Club of Andover COVID 19 Fund

COVID 19 has brought sickness, death and financial ruin to many families and introduced us to isolating, self-distancing and lock-down. Many of us are however insulated from the worst effects; able to work from home, job safe or decent pension, house safe, food on the table and, in some cases, bank balance actually growing because of doing a lot less and not going on holiday. If this strikes a chord then:-

Lucky You

For many families in the Andover area the effects of lock-down have been devastating. Someone has to go out to work, perhaps to help make sure life is fairly normal for us or just to put food on the table. Others no longer have a job. They cannot pay the rent and even have to use the food bank for the first time in their lives. Their lives have been devastated.

In the present situation many of us cannot help physically but could afford to give financial aid. Perhaps you would like to help, but are not sure how to or how to ensure that your money goes to local families and that it is used efficiently. Well, again:-

Lucky You

Andover Rotarians have established a COVID 19 Fund to help local families. We cannot meet weekly as we usually do and each of us is donating into the Fund monies saved by not meeting. We are getting guidance from Test Valley Social Services and Unity, their Community Services Partner, as to which local charities need our help and will be ensuring that our donations go towards providing items needed by desperate families. No money will go towards the running costs of any charity and 100% of donation(s) will benefit those in need.

Please join us in our efforts either by making a one off donation or regular payments.

To donate please Download the Instructions HERE.

If you have any queries please phone me on 710830, or David Moulton, Treasurer Andover Rotary Club – 01425 291889 or email him at

Best wishes and stay safe.

Gordon Howard