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It’s been a busy week in Abbotts Ann FTTP upgrade land …
Thanks to all of our fantastic volunteers and leaflet distributors, we have managed to reach over 600 households in the village. It has been a massive undertaking – encompassing everyone served by the Abbotts Ann telephone exchange. Over 620 properties situated over a wide geographical area – needing to mobilise a massive amount of engagement from the community, to enable this project to go ahead.
We are close to our target number of sign-ups – which is phenomenal. Thank you all so much for your continued support.
In fact, because we’re so close to our target, Openreach have extended the project deadline BY 7 DAYS to give us the best chance of getting the Abbotts Ann FTTP Upgrade Project over the line. So, our work is not yet done – it’s not quite pipe and slippers time yet!
So PLEASE keep spreading the word – make sure your neighbours and village friends know about this upgrade project, and encourage them to support it by signing up – THERE’S STILL TIME. At this stage – EVERY SIGN UP MATTERS. Let’s make this extra time count.
We really believe, as a community project, that all areas of the village should be able to benefit from this government funding. We don’t want people to miss out – which they potentially will do, if it is demonstrated that certain postcodes have limited interest in the FTTP infrastructure upgrade.
We are determined to demonstrate to Openreach that it’s worth the effort and time to upgrade EVERYONE on the Abbotts Ann exchange.
So – please get out there and continue to spread the word about this project.
With your help, we can get the FTTP upgrade project over the line, and in time ALL benefit as a village from an upgraded Internet infrastructure. Thank you so much for your time and continued support.
Jeremy Mason / Louise Mason / Dawn Rose / Keith Saunders
Abbotts Ann FTTP Broadband Upgrade Project
What Do You Need To Do?
1 – Go to: and check that your address is included in the over 620 Abbotts Ann properties slated for inclusion in the FTTP upgrade project.
2 – Enter your details HERE MAKE SURE: If you are a legitimate business, or run a business from home (the government will check you are a registered company) – you apply as a business as this increases the funding the government will give to the project