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Dear Friends and neighbours,
Please download the schedule HERE for the Flower, Vegetable and Craft show that’s part of the Abbotts Ann fete on 7th September 2024. The theme for the Fete this year is Ducks, so you’ll see that some of the classes are duck themed. You’ll find printed copies of the schedule in the Village Shop.
The show will take place across three locations in the village – flowers in the church, arts, crafts and young exhibitors’ classes in the Skittle Alley at the Eagle, and fruit, veg and domestic in the Village Hall. What’s different this year is that we have a number of volunteers who will help people get their exhibits to the right place. So if you’d find it a challenge to get your exhibits to any or all of the show locations, drop your exhibits off at the Village Hall before 10.00 on the morning of the show and our lovely volunteers from Bluebird Care will take your exhibits to the right place for you and they’ll help re-unite you with your exhibit afterwards. If you have any particular requirements for help in doing this, please contact Judith Cole on 07791 800656 and we can make sure that the volunteers are fully briefed.
Looking forward to seeing all your exhibits – the amazing art from the children, the incredible crafts and photography, the strange and wonderful things that are exhibited in the fruit and veg, the scrummy things in the domestic classes, and the stunning flowers.
Any questions or help needed, please call Judith on 07791 800656
Best wishes