Unfortunately, we still cannot give any diary dates to our members, even though some restrictions are being lifted, but only very gradually. Nevertheless, the committee has been having meetings via Zoom (other software is available) for those who are connected to wi-fi and wish to join in.
We are being positive and still looking forward to a day when we can gather together, but if social-distancing continues then we will advise members as to how we will endeavour to hold the obligatory Annual Meeting prior to the end of the year.
There is still lots of communication between members, either by telephone or via email or waving to each other when out walking as part of our permitted daily exercise. As our President, Julia, is Manager of the village shop, she can keep in touch with members when they are making use of this local amenity.
Whilst the book club is in suspension, and libraries closed, some of us are reading on various electronic devices and recommending a good read when we find one. There have been one or two unexpectedly delightful gems. Others are searching through their bookshelves.
Some of us are finding consolation in our gardens – working hard to keep ourselves and our borders in shape, or hopefully taking the opportunity to relax and smell the roses. Others are continuing to work for a living – albeit remotely wherever possible.
Till we (can) meet again – keep smiling.