Abbotts Ann

W.I. Newsletter November 2019

Our meeting started this month with our President reading out all the events that were on offer throughout this month and into next year.

These included visits to the Village Pantomime, the Studio Theatre in Salisbury, an invitation to Coffee & Mince Pies at Upper Clatford, a Christmas concert and our own post-Christmas Lunch at Esseborne Manor Hotel in January as well as the usual monthly clubs etc. 

Our speaker, Judy Theobald, has visited us before and we knew she had a journalistic and broadcasting background with a talent for writing humorous poems based on her quirky take on life.  Naturally, those she shared with us on this occasion had a festive theme.  She made us laugh as she took us through the annual Christmas lights saga; yes, they work when tested before they go on the tree, but once they have been artistically strung around those branches, not a bulb seen to be working!  The endless ways of serving turkey, the joys (or not) of watching children, and then grandchildren, starring in Nativity plays; tossing up whether to stay in the comfort of one’s home or face the challenges of being a guest in someone’s else’s house for a few days, where you are not in control of the central heating and you have been relegated to sleeping on the put-u-up.  Judy contemplated with horror that she might be required to play endless games and go for long bracing walks and prefers to be in a warm house and take it far more leisurely.  She certainly cheered us all up.

Please note our meeting in December has had to be re-scheduled due to the General Election and will now be on Tuesday 17th December at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.  Members will each bring a contribution to a festive buffet and the local hand bell ringers will be joining us.

Diary Dates

07 December    – Breakfast Club

10 December    – Reading Group

10 December    – Theatre Outing

14 December    – Walking Group

16 December    – Anton Danebury Group Christmas Concert

17 December    – Monthly Meeting (Tuesday) – PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE