I believe it is a given that most women give a lot of thought to their wardrobe; what to buy, what to wear, how it looks, does it fit, does the colour suit …. etc. – but do we think about whether our choices actually reflect our role in society. I very much doubt it.
Well Dinah Warnock at this month’s meeting opened our eyes. Dinah worked in the fashion industry as a shoe designer for Edward Rayne – now there’s a dream career – but on this occasion she was here to give us a very professional slideshow depicting what women have been wearing since the late 1880’s – this was a time when women grew up either “belonging” to their father or later, on marriage, to their husband. Not something we would tolerate now.
What we women now wear has had to be adapted as we take a full and active role in society. Obviously, the biggest change came during the two world wars of the 20th Century, when women stepped up and took on the jobs vacated by the men who went off to fight. We now needed to be able to move freely, no more constricting skirts or corsets, so hemlines went up and trousers emerged – the latter being very controversial. The blinkers (also known as bonnets) were shaken off. Most women have to earn a living at some point in their life and we dress accordingly. We have choices – something earlier generations of women could not have begun to envisage.
However, back to WI matters; our programme sub-committee is working hard behind the scenes coming up with plans for future meetings, events celebrating the 100 years of the WI continue at national and county level – some of which will be attended by members of Abbotts Ann WI. We continue to enjoy other regular events including, the reading and walking groups, lunch and supper clubs and last, but not least, coffee mornings.
Waddesdon Manor (National Trust) is the chosen venue for our summer outing on Thursday 13th August – there is availability on the coach if you wish to come along. Please contact us for further information.
In May we get to reflect on the last 12 months, look forward to the following year and form a new committee. We will also be discussing the Resolution “Failing to Care – assessment of need in long term care” (this is asking for the removal of the distinction between nursing care and personal care in the assessment of the needs of individuals, in order to advance health and wellbeing) and will be debated at the AGM of the NFWI at The Royal Albert Hall in June.
Diary Dates
09 May – Walking Group
14 May – Supper Club – The Shears, Collingbourne Ducis
12 May – Reading Group
15 May – Coffee Morning
28 May – Monthly Meeting 7.30 p.m. in The Village Hall – Annual Meeting
30 May – Lunch Club (tbc)