Despite no monthly meeting in our diaries, some members have still taken the opportunity to meet up at the various social events that occurred this month.
Several of us attended Hampshire Federation’s Centenary Event at Hillier’s Arboretum near Romsey on Saturday 4th August for an evening of celebrations. With arm bands checked on entry and weighed down with all the paraphernalia necessary for a successful picnic, we set ourselves up in a strategic spot. We were fortunate that it was a sunny, warm and dry evening, so it was pleasant to sit and chat whilst we ate and drank before the arrival of The Silver Beatles.
The tribute band naturally sang many Beatles’ hits as well as several more recent tracks originally performed by other artists. We all enjoyed ourselves, although only three of our party got up to dance. W.I. members from across Hampshire attended the event along with family and friends.
Having re-lived our youth the enjoyable evening ended with a colourful firework display and as we left we were each given a goodie bag of chocolate drops.
Our next meeting is on 27th September when we will be bending and stretching with Tamsin Kelly as she gives us an insight into Yoga. As usual the evening starts at 7.30 p.m. and will be in The Village Hall.
Diary Dates:
01 September – Village Fete : WI Refreshments
08 September – Walking Group
11 September – Reading Group
13 September – Supper Club
15 September – Breakfast Club
27 September – Monthly Meeting 7.30 p.m. in The Village Hall
29 September – Lunch Club