At this month’s meeting Trisha Lewis took us down memory lane with the aid of music, illustrations and memorabilia as she reminded us of Christmases past. She sang, encouraging us to join in with the familiar tunes, and showed us various objects she had collected along the years. We were transported back to our childhoods as we recognised items we had made courtesy of Blue Peter Annuals, Sindy doll outfits (some of us still have them!) that we saved up for so carefully and Cussons gift packs. We laughed as we heard a re-enactment of a favourite Joyce Grenfell sketch – a most delightful evening.
Inevitably we followed that with a seasonal buffet and enjoyed catching up with each other’s plans for the festive season.
Our Supper Club had also enjoyed a festive get-together at the Boot in Houghton, delicious food, good wine and great company ensured a delightful evening.
Our coffee mornings throughout the year had collected a total of £70 which will go to the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Air Ambulance – our chosen charity of 2014 – along with the collection taken in lieu of sending Christmas cards to each other. We had also emptied the competition box (yes – there are fines for non-entry) and £25.50 will be sent to the Countess of Brecknock Hospice in Andover.
2015 will be a busy year for all Women’s Institutes as it is a 100 years since the founding of the first WI in the UK. Amongst the many celebratory projects and events, is the continuing journey of the specially designed Centenary Baton, having begun its travels in January 2014 in Anglesey, the location of that first meeting in 1915. By the time it reaches the Royal Albert Hall for the NFWI Annual Meeting in June 2015 it will have travelled the length and breadth of the UK visiting all 69 Federations in England, Wales and the Islands, passing through our corner of Hampshire in January.
Here in Abbotts Ann our institute will not celebrate its own centenary until 2017 – only the second Institute to be formed in Hampshire. So if you would like to be part of the continuing development of this fabulous organisation, which encourages the links of friendship and community then please do pluck up the courage to attend one of our meetings. Please look at our Programme on this website for more information.
On January 29th our Secretary Lynne Lucas is going to discuss “Your Image” – sounds intriguing.
06 January – Reading Group
08 January – Post-Christmas Dinner
10 January – Walking Group
17 January – Centenary Baton (Anton Danebury Group)
29 January – Monthly Meeting 7.30 p.m. in The Village Hall – Your Image with Lynne Lucas
31 January – Lunch Club
Sharon King