It’s a wonder that any of our members manged to get a restful night’s sleep following our Meeting this month. Last time Graham Birchmore visited us he was here to analyse our handwriting with surprising results. This time he wanted to talk about Dream Interpretation.
Many of us admitted to dreaming that we are falling, and this can mean that our heartrate has dropped significantly – when we are jolted awake it is picking up again. Phew! Flying was another common experience, but it is how we are flying that is important. If we are being flown by someone else that means we are not in control of our life. If we are flying ourselves then we are in control.
Everyone dreams, and apparently it is important that we do, it is just that not everyone remembers them.
Graham volunteered to interpret our dreams and some were brave enough to do so. However, others were reluctant to so when Graham revealed that one of his clients had experienced a dream which he felt meant he was going to be made redundant. However, after many months of pondering Graham decided it was because he was missing a woman in his life!
The newly inaugurated Breakfast Club has proved popular; the walking group rambled around Goodworth Clatford followed by visiting the village pub, The Royal Oak; the Supper Club visited the Hare & Hounds at Charlton Down and the Lunch Club went to Wyke Down. Thank goodness for modern stretch fabric.
There was a good turnout from Abbotts Ann WI at the recent Anton Danebury Group Meeting when the speaker was Neil Stace – the “sewing soldier” from BBC’s The Great British Sewing Bee.
Don’t forget our Easter Eggstavaganza in the Village Hall on 11th April – 10.30 a.m. There will be stalls and refreshments for all, as well as children’s activities (in a separate room).
Our speaker in April is Bill Evans from Globe Galleries in Andover.
Diary Dates:
01 April – Breakfast Club
08 April – Walking Group
13 April – Supper Club
27 April – Monthly Meeting – 7.30 p.m. Village Hall
29 April – Lunch Club