Oh, what Joy! We were actually able to have a meeting in person this month. Members gathered outside the Village Hall, earlier than usual to make the most of a gloriously sunny evening for a “Treasure Hunt”. In actual fact it was a mobile quiz really.
We were all requested to bring our own chair, so we had a quick sit down, whilst we were reminded to adhere to the social distancing guidelines and to take care on the roads and footpaths of the village. Then we were off armed with our clipboards and pens – with a choice of the short or long version – with a list of clues. Whilst Lynne Lucas and Aileen Catterson had come up with the format for the evening, Sue George volunteered to create the actual quiz. The answers were to be found on fences, doors, roads, signs, gravestones etc.
So, if you were walking around the village on the evening of 27th May and saw groups of women walking around the village, peering round hedges, squinting at doors, scrutinising signs and the like you now know what they were up to!
Once we had completed the course, we returned to the grounds of the Village Hall for strawberries, crisps and a choice of prosecco or elderflower.
Everyone enjoyed the evening – we all appreciated being able to see each other in the flesh so to speak and not be on Zoom or at the end of a telephone.
A few days later and several of our members could be found at the Village Fete Plant Sale. Some were providing refreshments for the event, which this year was held on the car park of The Eagle, and others were there to buy plants or to sit and enjoy a chat and a cup of coffee or tea. Some even indulged in the delicious bacon butties on offer.
Obviously, our calendar of proposed events is dependent on the Government’s road map out of the current restrictions going to plan, but next month we are hopeful that we will be on the Canal at Hungerford. This is on the 24th June and is an afternoon meeting. Members have been sent a newsletter with information on this event.
We are also planning a welcome back event for members only on 22nd July and an outing on 5th August to The Weald and Downland Museum – no coach on this occasion – hopefully, we will have sufficient drivers to transport us all down there.