WI Newsletter – April 2010

April FlowersCan you tell whether these flowers are real or not?

They are not real, but have, in fact, been made from sugar-paste as demonstrated at our April meeting by Carol Razey from Penton Mewsey. Many years ago, Carol won a bursary at her own WI in Penton and took the opportunity to attend Denman College to learn more about sugarcraft. She had been inspired to have a go, following a visit to an exhibition at Olympia – the Queen had also been a visitor – but felt she needed more guidance and encouragement.

Carol’s confidence and talent has since grown and she has continued to acquire the various tools and equipment necessary to produce the many layers that make up the complete flower. When she had a dog to walk, she used to observe blossom and foliage in the wild, to get her ideas. She showed us how to make petals, stamen, leaves and calyx as examples of sweet pea, roses, primroses and daisies were passed around at various stages in their development. She kindly donated this charming miniature arrangement to the raffle and the lucky winner was a delighted me!
Helen Stuart kindly arranged this meeting on behalf of the non-committee members of the Institute, ably assisted by fellow members. This meant the committee could take a break, well apart from our President and Secretary, Val Downing & Wendy Casson, who oversaw the first part of the evening as usual.

During the winter months, our members have been busy working on a wall hanging to be given to Abbotts Ann Primary School, whose staff and pupils have now taken up residence in their brand new building. More will be revealed when it is completed. Wendy Casson has been the inspiration behind this project, with many enthusiastic and talented members utilising their many skills.

We have also continued to read, walk, drink coffee and eat lunch this month, all to fortify us for a busy May, as can be seen from the diary dates below. At our meeting in May we will be talking about food labelling, as all Institutes will be, as we discuss the Resolution to be presented at our National AGM in June. There is usually more time to chat at this meeting so if you have been thinking about giving us a go, this would be the month to take the plunge.

Diary Dates:


08 May – Walking Group

15 May – Visit to Arundells in Salisbury

18 May – Reading Group (Marshmallows for Breakfast – Dorothy Koomson)

20 May – Mayflower Theatre, Southampton – Hairspray

22 May – Abbotts Ann Plant Sale – WI doing bacon butties!

27 May – Meeting Village Hall 7.30 p.m. – Resolution (food labelling).

12 June – Walking Group

24 June – The Alternative Garden Party courtesy of Julian & Jane Benson

29 June – Reading Group (The Other Side of the Bridge – Mary Lawson)

Sharon King