It is Bank Holiday Monday as I begin to write a summary of this month’s activities and as I sit here pondering what to say, I gaze out of the window at the dull grey, damp afternoon. Unfortunately the lawn cutting will have to wait a little longer, but my garden’s loss is the WI’s gain!
Our President, Sue George kindly hosted this month’s coffee morning, which was well attended and members were lucky enough to be outside in Sue’s garden. The rain held off for long enough apparently.
We had a humid day for our trip to West Sussex, but it didn’t affect our enjoyment of our visit to Chichester and Goodwood House. It is always difficult to judge how popular these outings are going to be, but this one proved to be especially so, as a coach of 50 set off and we were joined by one more later in the day – this included our own members, family, friends and members of nearby Institutes as well.
Our first stop was Chichester, and we all dispersed in various directions, whilst some wanted culture others opted for retail therapy, but several of us ended our visit co-incidentally in the stunning Palace Gardens – all open to the public free of charge. A delightful end to the morning.
Everyone arrived back to the coach on time to leave for our planned visit to nearby Goodwood House where we were given a warm welcome. Whilst it may not be a large house, it was such a delight to be able to take time to enjoy all the artefacts and absorb all the history. Each year there is a summer exhibition and for 2012 there was a royal theme – including a charming video of the Present Duke of Richmond as he spoke of his memories of the visits by our Queen and her then young family. The knowledgeable guides were eager to share the history of the house with us and to finish off we were able to enjoy afternoon tea in the ballroom.
No walking this month, but the lunch club gathered at the White Lion in Wherwell and enjoyed a few hours chatting about recent events, both nationally and locally. Naturally this included the village fete and whilst our members are busy baking and putting their names on the list to help on the 1st September, we are always willing to accept cakes and offers of help from others.
We will be welcoming David Lunan to our Meeting on 27th September, he will be updating us on the EDP Project – this has been the subject of fund raising from within the village, so if you would like to hear more please come and join us at The Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. Members have been asked to bring along a school report for the monthly competition; I wonder how many will be brave enough?
Diary Dates:
01 September – Village Fete
08 September – Walking Group
18 September – Reading Group
27 September – Meeting 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – David Lunan – EDP Project
29 September – Lunch Club – To be decided
Sharon King