Our first meeting of the year was very well attended and we were delighted to welcome Crispin Ingham, Manager of the local Waitrose in Andover. He began by giving us the background of the Company structure, explaining how forward thinking the first directors had been in creating a Partnership, which means the Company is owned by its employees. The staff certainly reaps the benefits having access to many sporting and leisure facilities as well as other cultural and learning opportunities. However, what we were particularly pleased to hear, was the news that our local store is having a re-fit in the summer, a response to two new supermarkets coming to town. You heard it here first!
Then it was time for to put our own taste buds to work, as Crispin had bought a long a selection of cheeses for us to identify. For each cheese, the members were given three options; sadly, no one got them all right, but after a tense tie-breaker, June Millar took home the prize of a jar of pickle, well what else would you expect.
Earlier in the evening members were brought up to date with news and events including the final arrangements for our Pamper Day on Saturday 04 February, when there will be an opportunity to experiment with make-up and discover which colours suit us all.
Rachael Carter is planning to start a ‘reading group’ within the Institute and a list of available books was circulated for members to peruse. Arrangements for their first get together are well in hand. We are also hoping to continue walking along the Test Way this year.
It may only be January, but I am pleased to say that we already have one new member. Let us hope this is only the first for 2006.
Forthcoming Events:
04 February: Pamper Day
23 February: Jill Liddell – Japanese Traditional Designs
20 March: Danebury Group Spring Meeting – Goodworth Clatford
28 March: Hampshire Federation Spring Council Meeting – Portsmouth
30 March: Baroness Arlington – An insight into the House of Lords
For our February meeting, we welcome back one of our own Members, Jill Liddell who last year enthralled us with the mysteries of the Japanese Kimono. This time she will be giving us an insight in to traditional Japanese designs.
So if I have whetted your appetite then please come along to the Village Hall in time for a 7.30 p.m. start.
Sharon King