WI Newsletter – January 2011

There is no way that our January meeting could be described as listless! Not only was the village hall full and buzzing as we gathered for our first meeting of 2011, but there were lists galore. We could put our name down on various rotas, there were lists for attending the Group Spring Meeting, the Council Meeting in Portsmouth, other Institutes’ meetings, a Designer Day at Denman, a quiz in the Guildhall; even this list could be endless.

No wonder later in the evening it proved difficult, although not impossible, to squeeze in dates for the February coffee morning and the get together to continue knitting (or is it nattering?) jumpers for the children of Zimbabwe. Many thanks to those who responded to our plea for wool, this is much appreciated and still welcome if you have any spare.

Val Downing reported that she would shortly be presenting £168.00 to Andover VIPs (Visually Impaired People). This charity was supported throughout 2010 at our monthly coffee mornings and donations in lieu of Christmas Cards. As a small local charity this will be very much appreciated.

Val was also able to reveal that, so far, she had been able to pass on the sum of £1,210.00 to the Countess of Brecknock Hospice in Andover. This has resulted from the sales of notelets in memory of much missed member Sheila Lockhart as well as some of her belongings. The notelets, depicting the Arpillera (wall hanging) created by our members and given to the new Village School, should now be for sale in the village shop, although you may need to be quick as there are not many left.

After all this hectic filling of diaries, President Sue George introduced Peter Redmond who was to talk about his experience of being “born on the wrong side of the blanket” and having been brought up by a foster family. From knowing very little of his birth family he has since discovered he has relatives in South Africa and Australia. Peter also talked of his career in the Army which saw worldwide postings in Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Malaya, France and Germany, as well as Hull, Catterick, Stoke-on-Trent and Ludgershall. Locally, Peter is probably better known as a writer of plays and pantomimes and his work at Cricklade Theatre.

Also in our diaries this month were dates for the Reading Group, the Walkers and The Members who Lunch – this time the latter met at the Apache Cafè above the Army Air Museum in Middle Wallop.

In February we will be viewing slides depicting Humour in the Garden courtesy of Patricia Elkington who is a County Organiser for the yellow book – the NGS gardens open for charity scheme.

Diary Dates:

12 February – Walking Group

22 February – Reading Group

24 February – Meeting 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – Mrs Patricia Elkington : Humour in the Garden

07 March – Danebury Group Spring Meeting

12 March – Walking Group

22 March – HCFWI Spring Council Meeting – Portsmouth (ticket event)

31 March – Meeting 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – Gwen Appleton : I don’t wish to complain dear, but !

Sharon King