Phew – we are at the height of Olympic fever as this Report is being penned and I am exhausted. We have had super Saturday and already today (Sunday) we have won two more gold medals in tennis and sailing, and who knows what else by the end of the day.
It was the London 2012 Olympics that inspired us to have an Olympic themed evening on the 26th July – just 24 hours before the much anticipated official ceremony. We had our own opening ceremony, but unlike the arrival of Her Majesty no-one dropped in to ours – if only we had known, maybe we could have come to an arrangement with the Army Air Corps at Middle Wallop, but not sure our President would have been quite so enthusiastic. Mind you had we thought of inviting Daniel Craig (aka James Bond) it might have been a different story.
The hall had been suitably transformed; there were floral decorations of gold, silver and bronze and once again the patriotic red, white & blue bunting was out and flags were ready to be waved as five WI Members – Kate Bennett, Aileen Catterson, Val Downing, Carol Taylor, & Judy Wickham entered the Hall representing athletes from the five Continents. They were accompanied by Sharon King as the elusive security employee and finally Wendy Casson carried our Institute’s version of the “torch”. We then ventured outside for some fun games and Sue George had organised a picture quiz depicting Olympians from the past and present. Gold medals of the chocolate variety were duly presented. By this time we had built up an appetite and a buffet of foods from around the World was revealed, followed by a scrumptious Olympic cake baked by Judy Wickham. Sue thanked all those who had helped make the evening a success including Janis Bulpitt & Gayle Beaton.
Earlier in the month the constant heavy rain had put paid to our monthly walk, but the coffee morning at Evelyn White’s was well attended, and five of us got together for lunch at the Royal Oak in Goodworth Clatford. This was the day after that Olympic Opening Ceremony and you can guess the main topic of conversation – Her Majesty’s arrival.
You may be aware that our members have been busy over the years knitting jumpers, hats, scarves and blankets for the orphaned children in Zimbabwe – Jill Reynolds organises the parcels our end and our contact in the Zimbabwe WI Federation is Sue Van Niekerk. Sue was visiting the UK this summer and Jill accompanied by Sue Hancock had the pleasure of meeting her at WI House in Winchester where they heard again just how much these parcels are needed and appreciated.
We have a break now for August, although as usual we will be busy behind the scenes organising the WI refreshments for the Village Fete on 01 September and although we cannot fit in a walk – our diaries are so full – there are plans for a coffee morning, lunch and our annual outing.
Diary Dates:
07 August – Reading Group
08 August – Outing to Chichester and Goodwood House
16 August – Coffee Morning
25 August – Lunch Club
01 September – Village Fete
Sharon King