Not having attended this month’s meeting, I cannot give a first hand account of the evening, but I gather our members enjoyed their meander around several gardens in the vicinity of the Village Hall. There was the opportunity to visit the gardens of three of our members Alison Ballantyne, Christine Fell and Julia Jenkins as well as those of Lillian & Pat Pierce and Tim & Jill Taylor. The wide variety of planting and landscaping was much admired before everyone returned to the Village Hall for a strawberry supper. Many thanks to all those whole welcomed us into their gardens.
Earlier in the month, our walking group ventured north to the Village of Chute and unfortunately got hopelessly lost – their map reading skills were not up to the occasion, as they tried to match directions for a walk downloaded from the internet to what was actually on ground. Nevertheless, they enjoyed themselves on this warm, sunny day, although thankfully most of their travelling round in every confusing circles took place in a shady wood. They managed to take comfort in an excellent pub lunch at the Cross Keys Inn.
A few Saturdays later, several members met for an inaugural informal lunch in The Eagle.
Our outing on 05 August (see below) is open to non-members, so if you would like to join us please contact Gill Page on 01264 712112 for further details.
Diary Dates:
11 July – Walking Group
14 July – Coffee Morning
25 July – Informal Lunch at The Weyhill Fair – 12.30
30 July – Meeting at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall : Quiz followed by ploughman’s supper
05 August – Outing to Henley-on Thames followed by a visit to Mapledurham 08 August – Walking Group
11 August – Book Club
13 August – “Alternative Coffee Morning” – 7.30 p.m. in The Poplar Farm Inn
Members are being encouraged to bring a friend along to the July meeting, perhaps someone who has no experience of the WI – but there is absolutely no pressure to join. The reward for participating in the quiz, and whatever else the committee has organised, will be a ploughman’s supper.
Sharon King