There was no time for the members to sit back and take it easy at their October Meeting. Due to a diary clash, their scheduled speaker was unable to attend, so once members had been given an update of events past and yet to come, they were encouraged to participate in a social engineering exercise.
This involved leaving their comfortable seats and circulating around the hall talking to each other – as there was a lot of laughter and chatter – it is assumed it was a success!
Vice President, Val Downing reported on the recent Hampshire Federation Meeting at The Anvil in Basingstoke where there had been two inspirational speakers, at opposite ends of the age spectrum.
These were the young mountaineer/adventurer Rhys Jones and Ann Mustoe who has become known for her cycling exploits.
Rhys is the youngest person to climb the highest mountain in each continent and has since successfully completed the 2006 Round Britain & Ireland yacht race and a challenging expedition to East Greenland. Whilst in 1983 Ann – 54, overweight and unfit – set off to cycle alone around the world. She has gone on to do this more than once as well as several shorter challengers including the Indian sub-continent and Santa Fe Trail. This has spawned a busy retirement writing books, giving talks and readings.
Diary Dates:
04 November – Book Club
08 November – Walking Group
27 November – Annual Meeting – 7.30 p.m. Village Hall
11 December – Christmas celebrations
13 December – Walking Group
16 December – Book Club
The Institute’s Annual Meeting will be held on 27 November and this is when the Secretary and President give a précis of the preceding 12 months, the Treasurer explains the ins and outs of the accounts and the committee and officers are elected for the following year.
Sharon King