On the first Saturday in September, our members were involved in the Village’s annual fete, traditionally the W.I. has always organised the teas and this year was no exception. As always, our members were very generous and provided plenty of cakes, but we were also grateful to others, who had taken notice of our email around the Village and who also sent along some super cakes.
Despite the awful weather conditions, we did very well and made a profit in the region £263. Unfortunately, the wind and rain had kept some visitors away, so we had a surfeit of wonderful cakes; but as we were all there for a common cause, we sent them across to the cake stall, where they proved popular.
Apart from that, as an Institute we had a reasonably quiet month – just as well, as it will be all systems go in October.
Our speaker this month was Rona Brown, who has had a most unusual job; working with animals in the media. Her long career has seen her work on some well-known films, as well as television, and her job has been to source and supply anything from domestic animals to the more exotic, including lions and elephants. She and her family have also been involved with their training; we heard how her son had bravely taught a lion to lick his face for a film to be released later this year.
Rona is now passing on all she has learnt, by being involved in the education of those who seek to work in this specialised field and is a consultant to the Government on animal welfare, relating specifically to the media.
Forthcoming Events:
15 October – Treasure Hunt – Open to family and friends as well as members
16 October – Danebury Group Autumn Meeting – Upper Clatford
25 October – HCFWI Autumn Council Meeting – The Anvil, Basingstoke
26 October – Members’ Meeting – 7.30 p.m. Village Hall
01 November – Danebury Group Literary Lunch
30 November – Annual Meeting – 7.30 Village Hall
Our October meeting is being organised and run by non-committee members – it is to have a social theme this year – we are looking forward to having a little more time to chat and find out a little more about each other.
Sharon King