On 7th May 2015, you will have the opportunity to vote for candidates for Parliament and Test Valley Borough Council and also for candidates who are standing for the 7 available seats on the Abbotts Ann Parish Council.
The candidates are as follows:
Susie Bleeker, Sally Coffey, Beth Deacon, Bernard Griffiths, Andrew Hayter, Elizabeth Howard, Brian Sims, Susie Thornely and Dale Wells.
You can vote for UP TO 7 (seven) of the 9 candidates meaning you can vote for less than 7 (seven) if you wish, BUT not more than 7 (seven)
Read here brief CVs of the 9 candidates who are standing for the Parish Council and what they stand for.
Parish Council Candidates for 7th May Election
The CVs appear in alphabetical order by surname.
Posted by Abbotts Ann Vision