A Message from Unity for the Community 
Coronavirus Covid-19 – Important updates
This bulletin contains important updates. Please read and share widely:
- Grants available for charities to help them deal with Coronavirus.
- Unity has launched the Test Valley Community Helpline to put volunteers in touch with people who need their help. You can help.
- Government guidance for the charity sector
Coronavirus policy – we are working on updates
Martin Lewis sets up fund to help smaller charities. ACT NOW
Small registered charities, or local arms of bigger charities can apply now for a grant of between £5,000 and £20,000 for specific coronavirus poverty relief projects in the UK.
There is a really short window for applications – groups need to submit their application by 25 March 2020 and it has to be coronavirus specific
For more information and an application form, click here: More information
The Test Valley Community Helpline
As the Council for Voluntary Service for Test Valley, we are looking to support Community Groups across the Borough helping with the individuals who are self isolating. Self-isolation is about protecting others and slowing down the spread of COVID-19. CAN YOU HELP?
Click here for more information: More information
Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for the charity sector from GOV.UK
Guidance to help with running your charity during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak was issued by the Government yesterday, 19th March. Click here to access the guidance: Guidance
Please feel free to share or follow….
You can share this bulletin with contacts via email and social media using the links below.
We’ll be in touch again soon. Stay safe and look out for each other.
The unity team