The end of the month is looming as I sit here to write our newsletter for this month, and it would normally be a busy week for us. But of course, life is not normal at the moment.
Whilst there is nothing on our WI calendars, our members are still in touch with each other. Some are chatting on the telephone more and others are using email or other forms of social media.
At least two members of our Reading Group are recommending books to each other for downloading onto their E-readers. They are both looking out for bargains.
When our Institute celebrated its Centenary in 2017, Aileen, one of our members, trawled through our records to see how women of the village coped during the second world war etc. Unfortunately, some of our records were destroyed in a fire, but we still have some in our possession, whilst others are lodged with Hampshire Records Office. It threw up some fascinating stories.
Thinking of future generations, an email has been sent out to all members suggesting that our current members may wish to write a few paragraphs or pages on how they are managing during lockdown – a Covid 19 diary. Some are keener than others.
What is amazing is that members are saying how quickly the days pass. Some of us are still working, albeit remotely or on their own in the office, others are volunteering in their community and most are at home either with family or alone. Nevertheless, members are managing to keep busy and in touch with family and friends.
The sunny weather has, so far, kept our spirits up as many of us are spending time outside, either in our gardens (working and relaxing) or out walking – within the guidelines for permitted exercise and social distancing of course.
We are all hoping that it will not be too long before we can meet up again in person.