At last there is something to write about!
Yes this month we managed to meet up twice, once in person and the second time virtually.
Twenty-one of us gathered for a socially distanced coffee morning in the garden of the Royal Oak in Goodworth Clatford on a dry, but cool day with some sun to warm us up. There was a maximum of six to a table, with a choice of hot drink and a selection of home-made cakes. It was great to catch up with those we hadn’t seen for months. Those sharing cars arrived suitably attired in a selection of colourful masks. Could we recognise each other after all this time? The general opinion is that it was a great opportunity to meet up safely so thanks go to the staff at the Royal Oak for allowing us to hold this event.
As we still cannot meet up in the Village Hall on advice from our Federation, two of our members, Aileen & Lynne, have continued to work on our programme and managed to secure speakers who are prepared to use Zoom as an electronic meeting platform. Our first such speaker did not have far to come, virtually or in reality, as it was our village archivist, Tim Tayler.
Tim shared with us his research on St Mary’s Church and Churchyard here in the village. Whilst the church we know dates back to 1716, if you know where to look for clues then there is evidence of a previous place of worship. He explained about the tithes system and how in past centuries, the incumbent minister would make his living literally from the Glebe Farm put at his disposal. He talked about the Virgin Crowns and who is supposed to qualify for such, although as always there are a few myths around this tradition. I believe sixteen of us logged on for this talk; which included members who did not attend the coffee morning, so there was a lot of virtual waving to each other as we all came on line.
Whilst we would, of course, prefer to meet up properly it is amazing that technology allows us to sit at home and still communicate with each other. Unfortunately refreshments afterwards do not have the same buzz. Kettle is put on, but no one to share a cuppa and natter with!
Our next electronic meeting is on 29th October 2020 with Dorothy Cook – “Stories of a Midwife” – remember for all those who have paid their subscriptions for 2020, then you should receive an invitation via a link from Lynne. You need to sign in for a 7.30 p.m. start. If anyone is unsure about this process then please contact a committee member for guidance. This is a learning curve for all of us. Go on be brave and give it a go.