Our speaker this month, Heather Wylde, shared her family’s story of Love, Honour, Tragedy and Bravery. Heather had been intrigued that little mention was made of her uncle who went missing in World War II, but neither of her parents talked much about their experiences during that time. However, when she and her brother were clearing out their father’s effects after he died at the age of 90, they came across various correspondence and in particular a diary kept by their late mother in 1941. It isn’t my story to share, so I won’t go into detail, but it was a reminder that every generation has feelings and emotions that are affected by the circumstances in which they find themselves.
By accessing his service record with the RAF, Heather has been able to find out more about him and in particular about his role as Navigator on a Wellington Bomber. His bravery is now known to the family and his photograph is proudly displayed along with his Bomber Command Clasp which Heather as next-of-kin was able to claim.
We sadly bade farewell to Pip Day who died at the age of 97 earlier this month. Pip had been a popular member of the WI and she too saw active service in the War and indeed it was at one of her postings that she met her beloved husband Freddie.
As always, there is much to discuss and debate, not least the fete teas (again) and all our activities to plan for the coming months.
Members were very touched to hear that Heather Girvan had very kindly made a small bequest to us in her Will. Whilst Heather had not been a member for very long, she obviously enjoyed and valued our friendship and support. It is always good to be appreciated.
Next month we will be attempting some Silver Clay Jewellery with Hilary Bowen, perhaps we will get the chance to create a family heirloom which will be talked about by generations to come. As usual 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall on 29th March if you wish to join us.
Diary Dates:
03 March – Breakfast Club
08 March – Supper Club
10 March – Walking Group
21 March – HCFWI Spring Council Meeting (Ticketed Event)
22 March – Anton Danebury Group Spring Meeting (Members only)
27 March – Reading Group
29 March – Monthly Meeting 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall