Little did we know when we invited local Magician, Michael King, to entertain us at our New Year Dinner that we would be putting our necks on the line, well at least one of our members did.
We were all able to sit back and relax as our delicious three-course dinner was cooked and served to us by our favoured caterer, Mr Davies from Totton and his efficient staff. Michael said he was delighted to have a short commute for a change and kept our members enthralled as he worked his magic. We were all watching closely, trying to see if we could spot exactly how he executed his many skilful tricks. Not a chance, much too quick and slick for us to discover his secrets.
For his finale he chose Aileen, our Minutes Secretary, to assist. Having demonstrated that his portable guillotine (no we did not watch whilst knitting) was in good working order, Aileen very calmly allowed him to lay her head quite literally on the line. Secretly wondering whether there really was any jeopardy involved, his audience watched with some anticipation, quickly he pushed down the blade and ……….. no it’s fine, her head remained attached to her body and she survived intact. Phew, what a relief.
It was a lovely relaxed evening with plenty of time to chat and enjoy a glass or two! No business this month, but there will be lots to catch up at our next meeting on 25th February when our speaker Susan Howe will be cantering through her funny life. Our members have been asked to pen a limerick for the occasion – watch this space!
Diary Dates:
11 February – Supper Club
13 February – Walking Group
16 February – Reading Group
25 February – Monthly Meeting – 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – Susan Howe (Cantering through a funny life)
27 February – Lunch Club (TBC)