Our members enjoyed a post-Christmas/late New Year Dinner in the Village Hall this month. It was a lovely relaxed evening as we all sat there whilst our various selections were cooked and brought to us. As usual Mr Davies from Southampton came up trumps, portions were generous and delicious. Unfortunately, this was the last occasion he and his friendly staff will cater for us, as his wife has insisted it is time for him to retire. What will we do now?
We were fortunate to secure, at the last minute, a much sought after local duo to entertain us. They informed us that we were lucky that their agent had managed to squeeze us into their otherwise very full diary – which was news to their wives!
They performed a medley of songs and readings much to delight of their audience. So thank you John & Ray (or possibly Freda & Barry) – we are most grateful, a delightful finale to our evening.
2017 is our Centenary Year and we have various events and celebrations planned for the year, starting with an Easter Eggstravaganza on 11th April, 10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. in the village hall. Please put the date in your diary and look out for the advertisement in the Parish Magazine and posters in the village. All ages welcome.
Next month’s meeting is being organised by non-committee members, but as usual will be in the Village Hall on 23rd February (remember it is a short month) at 7.30 p.m.
Diary Dates:
11 February – Walking Group
14 February – Reading Group
23 February – Monthly Meeting
25 February – Lunch Club