We have a new President; Kate Bennett stepped down from office and the committee, but not before she conducted this month’s meeting. Kate read out Annual Reports from our Treasurer and Secretary and then gave her own in her imitable style. She paid tribute to all who had supported her throughout her term of office, including the committee and all members.
However, she wanted to particularly thank Colleen Jackson who has been our treasured Treasurer, but who is also stepping down from the committee. Colleen has not only looked after our finances, keeping an eye on our spending, but she also sourced and booked many of our speakers over the last few years and undertook to organise our summer “garden” meeting. Not only finding somewhere for us to go, but booking us in and then sorting out transport, matching members who were willing to drive and passengers. Unfortunately, Colleen was absent so did not hear this tribute – so thank you Colleen for all your hard work it is very much appreciated.
Kate finished with her AAWI Cocktail Prescription (Absolutely Awesome Women’s Institute – or Wonderful Inmates) so it was apt then, that she was then presented with a bottle of gin in appreciation of all her hard work. She has been a breath of fresh air and conducted meetings with own quirky humour and has been a very popular President.
Kate then handed the baton (or in our case brooch) to Julia Rowling who has bravely agreed to take on the role of President and we look forward to the next 12 months with Julia at our helm.
We had started the meeting with a fish and chip supper organised by Lynne Lucas following by a small tub of ice cream before we started the business of the evening. This included briefly discussing the two resolutions which will be debated at the National AGM in June. Our members supported both, the first was a call against the decline in local bus services and the second dealt with the decline in women attending cervical screening.
Our meeting on 27th June (yes organised by Colleen) is a visit to Whitchurch Silk Mill and will take place in the afternoon. Drivers and passengers have been put in touch with each other.
Diary Dates
08 June – Walking Group
13 June – Supper Club
25 June – Reading Group
27 June – Monthly Meeting – Visit to Whitchurch Silk Mill – 2 p.m.
29 June – Lunch Club