For one month of the year we leave the Village Hall behind and venture further afield for a “garden” meeting and we were lucky to have a gloriously sunny and hot afternoon for the second year running. We met at The Whitchurch Silk Mill for a brief run-through of its history, courtesy of our volunteer guides, and then we were led through the Mill having first seen the water wheel in action. As we processed through the three floors of the building and caught further glimpses of it, we could see just how big it was. Although there was no weaving happening during our visit, the process was explained in detail from the silk cocoons to the finished material.
We then enjoyed a delicious cream tea, courtesy again of more volunteers and our new President Julia Rowling completed the afternoon by bringing us up to speed with what is happening over the coming weeks and months.
We were urged to sign up for WI Refreshments at the village fete on September 7th. Whilst our members will be baking for the event, we always welcome further donations. Please contact Kate Bennett if you are willing to bake a cake for us.
For our next meeting we will be on the high seas – “Cunard History and Glamorous Stars” with Steve Herra– 25th July in the Village Hall for a 7.30 p.m. start.
Diary Dates
4th July – Historical Walk in Winchester
6th July – Breakfast Club
11th July – Supper Club (cancelled)
13th July – Walking Group
25th July – Monthly Meeting – The Village Hall 7.30 p.m.
27th July – Lunch Club