Having not had a meeting this month, there is very little to report, but there was an unofficial get-together for a hastily arranged photo opportunity around “our flowerbed” – a quick ring-round by Sheila Lockhart soon had us organised.
Just to keep you in the picture (pun definitely intended), during the summer, Test Valley Borough Council plant-up a number of flowerbeds around the town, and we approached them two years ago to see if our 90th anniversary met the necessary criteria. Fortunately, it did, and our allocated spot, was just opposite the Police Station, not that we see that as having any relevance.
Several members turned up with their digital cameras, and eventually one or two of the photographs will be sent for inclusion in our photo gallery on this Website. Once we had finished posing, we retired to a local hostelry for refreshment and to catch up with all the news; oh, all right we went to the pub for a drink and gossip.
Diary Dates:
01 September – Village Fete
27 September – 7.30 p.m. Village Hall – Jane Benson will be giving us an insight into the role of Hampshire’s High Sheriff
01 October – Danebury Group Autumn Meeting
25 October – 7.30 p.m. Village Hall – Clive Judd will be describing what it’s like to have a different “boss” every year (change to programme)
30 October – HCFWI Autumn Council Meeting, The Anvil Basingstoke (ticket only)
We will be back in the Village Hall, complete with its new roof, on 27 September when our speaker Jane Benson will be sharing with us the highlights of her year as Hampshire’s High Sheriff. We have also invited other local Institutes to join us on this occasion. Please do remember that visitors are always welcome, so if you would like to hear Mrs Benson then please come along, the meeting starts at 7.30 p.m.
Sharon King