WI Newsletter – December 2012

Our exploits for the month of December include returning to the Odeon in Andover, this time members of the film club were there to see Great Expectations, this latest cinematic version of the Dickens’ classic was enjoyable and a completely different experience to that of last month – James Bond – a little more relaxed, so much so that yours truly nodded off! Only very briefly of course, it was no reflection on the film.

Despite the very muddy conditions underfoot our walkers were intrepid enough to contemplate walking the footpaths of Whitchurch; we followed the river for much of our route on a lovely sunny December morning. The continuous wet weather has wrought havoc unfortunately and left a trail of mud and puddles, but we still had a lovely time. Unfortunately, due to a misunderstanding our lunch at the White Hart Hotel in Whitchurch was not our best dining experience.

Despite a busy diary, Christine Fell kindly hosted this month’s coffee morning and the Reading Group continued to discuss their latest selection, and I am told they too got into the lunching habit, meeting up at The Chestnut for a Christmas get-together.

There was a much reduced turn-out at this month’s meeting, not sure why, but those of us who did attend enjoyed a pleasant relaxed evening, games were mentioned, but as always a seasonal quiz proved most popular. The winners went away with chocolate in various forms – always a success. There followed a festive buffet, each member contributing with a plate of delicious food. We said farewell to Val Downing, a past President, who moved to Devon just before Christmas – retirement beckons for her and her husband and she will be nearer her grandchildren. Val has been an enthusiastic member during her time here in Hampshire and will be missed.

Next month, Steven Burbidge from the well-known local bakery has been invited to talk to us about his family business.

Diary Dates:

08 January – Reading Group

10 January – Annual Dinner (post-Christmas Celebrations)

12 January – Walking Group

17 January – Coffee Morning

31 January – Meeting 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – Steven Burbidge – History of a Local Business.

Sharon King