Abbotts Ann Village Fete — Saturday 2nd September 2017

Abbotts Ann Village Fete -- Saturday 2nd September 2017


1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Event Type

Village Fete Flower, Produce & Craft Show: Saturday September 2nd

The schedule for this year’s show is now available, and can also be found in the village shop & the Eagle, as well as directly from myself.

It contains details of classes, how to enter, judging times etc.  Again this year, l have reduced the number of fruit/vegetables required in some of the classes in the hope that more ‘novice’ gardeners may be encouraged to enter and, as usual, there is a range of domestic, craft and photography classes, including a domestic class for men only.

To celebrate the Centenary of Abbotts Ann WI, it would be great to see lots of entries in the Jam and Victoria Sandwich classes!

Anne Emerson

Show Secretary – AA Fete Committee

Tel 710851 or email