We were delighted to welcome several new members to our meeting this month. The successful Fizz, Canapés and Chat evening has resulted in 13 new members so far and we are hopeful there will be more. Unfortunately, the power cut occurring in the village, and beyond, late afternoon caused some confusion. Not all households were reconnected as quickly as the village hall and so several members were unable to attend.
Nevertheless, it was a lovely, relaxed evening for those who were present as our member Elizabeth Howard showed us how we could create a Christmas Wreath for our front door or indeed use as a table decoration. She very cleverly incorporated a candle in the centre of the latter – just in case the power should go out again!
Elizabeth demonstrated various methods of creating these festive adornments, as always when one is talented, she made it look very easy. However, as her audience was aware there was skill involved, garnered through experience. Elizabeth is a member of a local flower club and has been involved in many flower festivals, most recently in Winchester Cathedral.
With the Environment to the fore, flower arrangers are being encouraged to use agra-wool as the base of their arrangements as this biodegrades into sand, unlike florists’ foam block which contains plastic. The pros and cons of each were discussed.
There was some hilarity as Elizabeth revealed she wasn’t averse to gathering foliage from gardens belonging to friends and neighbours – with permission of course – or from other local sources. So, if you see a lady wandering around the village with a pair of secateurs looking a little furtive – well you will know who it is!
Earlier in the evening our President had updated us all with information on forthcoming events organised by National and Federation as well as own plans which in January includes a lunch at Essebourne Manor and a Zoom meeting – all subject to prevailing covid restrictions of course.
Our next meeting is planned for the 9th December and is our Christmas Party. There will be a Snowman Drive followed by a festive buffet. Members are each asked to bring a contribution – 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.