We’re delighted to announce that Abbotts Ann’s Apple Day will be held on 7 October 2023 from 11.00 at the War Memorial Hall.
Apple Day has been a village tradition for many years but couldn’t take place during the years when we had COVID. This year it’s back with a family-friendly bang! Please pop the date in your diary. Entry is free and there’s no charge for participation.
In the week before Apple Day, you can drop off any spare apples or windfalls that you might have at the hall. Alternatively, we can help you with picking up and dropping the apples.
On Apple Day itself, a gang of volunteers will operate the enormous press that’s in the hall grounds and we’ll make apple juice for everyone to drink (and to take away if you bring a suitable container). We’ll be playing games like “tug of war” and “pin the stalk on the apple”. There will be a fancy dress with classes for children and adults on the theme of apples or apples trees. Tea and cakes will be available.
Please contact me if you’d like to help on the group that’s organising the event or if you’d like to volunteer to help work the apple press on the day (upper body strength needed!).
More information in due course
Judith Cole
Chair Abbotts Ann War Memorial Hall
07791 800656