Following our very successful fete last year raising record income and profits, we are looking forward to another bumper year to support all our wonderful community organisations and help them to achieve their aspirations.
We held our AGM in November 23 where we proudly distributed generous grants to our community organisations and well deserved cups for the Fete Show.
At the AGM we agreed the venue for fete 24 would be addressed in the spring. In the past before Lockdown, the Fete was held at the Bulbery Sports Field.
The decision will be made on 13th March at our first fete 2024 committee meeting at 7pm in The Eagle pub.
The outcome we want is a balance between maximising funds to support village organisations and ensuring the unity of the village community.
If you would like to give your input and/or you would like to be a fete volunteer, please come along on March 13th. Could you please contact me at the email address below by 11th March so I can send you the relevant information before the meeting and I have an idea of numbers attending.
You can download a copy of this agenda HERE
- Welcome and any apologies -Anne
- New Community Reps thank you for attendance. Introductions
- Charitable association application- Davina
- Treasurer update – Beth
- Venue discussion with community organisations and any other meeting attendees
- vote on venue by the new committee members.
- Fete
- Area of responsibility for each community organisation. Same as last year?
- Plant Sale
- update – Chair
- Plants sourced
- Basic Hygiene on line course for those selling bacon rolls
- Responsibilities at plant sale
- Posters
- Next meeting date 17th April 24 time tbc