None received |
Minutes from AGM held in 2020 were proposed by John Barlow and seconded by Maureen Flood. 0 Against, 0 Abstentions. Motion passed. |
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CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Full report is available to read. In Summary: Spring 2020 brought it greatest challenge ever for the Village Shop, and this challenge continues still today. Both the Post Office and the Shop have risen to the challenge of trading whilst maintaining a Covid Safe environment. The Pandemic brought a major increase in Turnover as people shopped locally. We benefited from several Government Grants during the year. We have used our positive financial position to improve and re-equip the shop. This is still ongoing. We are fortunate to continue to receive regular rental income from the flat above the shop. We paid a staff bonus in 2020 to the Store Manager We welcome Vivienne Asbee and Paula Grant to the Committee and say thank you to retiring members, Lynne Lucas, Andrew Norman and Ann Hopwood. In conclusion we are in an excellent financial position, we have no outstanding debts, all our electrical equipment is in good order. We have a wholly new floor, and a new counter, shelving and tables & chairs are on order. Our staffing situation is good with approx. 50 Volunteers We have had outstanding service from our managers to whom once again we extend our appreciation and admiration. |
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TREASURER’S REPORT Full report is available to read. In Summary: Whilst the Lockdown rules have curtailed many people’s activities, it has meant more people shop locally, and this has benefited the shop. Turnover has increased by 24% For the first time in several years the shop has made a trading surplus. This together with Government grants of £10,000 has resulted in a profit of £17,000 The shop is grateful to the Parish Council and the Friends of AA Shop There are no guarantees that trading levels will be maintained, and we are already seeing a noticeable decrease in last years month on month figures. All praise to the staff, volunteers and residents for making 2020 so successful for the shop. |
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MOTION TO ACCEPT ACCOUNTS FOR 2020 Proposed by Vivienne Asbee and seconded by Jill Else 0 Against, 0 Abstentions. Motion passed. |
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MOTION TO ACCEPT SURPLUS TO BE HELD IN GENERAL RESERVE Proposed by Alan Rowling seconded by Dee Howarth Motion passed. |
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MOTION TO ACCEPT UNAUDITED ACCOUNTS FOR 2020 Chairman requested approval to present unaudited accounts for the 2020 financial year. Proposed by Pam Lytle seconded by Alex Pugh |
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POST OFFICE REPORT The period running up to Christmas 2020 was particularly challenging with a four-fold increase in mail including parcels, letters and cards. PO Ltd. proposes to change the remuneration structure in 2022, allowing the PO network to be opened to other parcel carriers. Banking services continues to be important with a wide range of business and personal banking services available. The PO staff are in good heart and enjoy providing the continuity of service for this local community. |
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The Chairman then opened the floor to questions:
Maureen Flood responded. The Post Office has no money for signs or their replacement, it would cost £500 – £600 to replace and reinstall. Chris Davis suggested the Committee would review in the coming months and report back.
Chris Davis for the Committee said it would be considered. |
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ELECTION OF MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 6 nominations were received for the Management Committee: Mike Bird Chris Davis Elizabeth Howard Dee Howarth Paula Grant Vivienne Asbee All 6 were appointed to the committee without the need for an election. Acceptance of the committee was proposed by Jenny Barlow and seconded by Alex Pugh |
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ANY OTHER BUSINESS Julia Rowling thanked the Committee for their support of the Shop Staff and Volunteers over the past 18 months. Chris Davis replied that he was grateful to the dedication of the staff and volunteers and respected the work all had put into the Village Shop in the past year. |
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Meeting closed at 7.58 p.m. |