A newsletter has now been sent out to members giving them information on what the Committee has been doing behind the scenes. Our President Julia Rowling apologised that she hadn’t issued it sooner, but her day job as Manager of the Village Shop had had to take priority.
We still don’t know when we will be able to have a meeting in the village hall, and the limit of no more than six households meeting together outside, unfortunately prohibits any alfresco activities at the moment. Nevertheless, four of us did walk together in July around the village – we managed in excess of four miles in ideal walking weather. We finished our delightful ramble with a well earned cup of tea in one member’s garden which was very welcome.
Unfortunately, we have heard that our much loved education facility at Denman College is entering a consultation period with a view to closing completely. This has saddened many of our members who have enjoyed their visits and stays in the Oxfordshire countryside. Whilst it has moved with the times and offered ensuite rooms, wi-fi and other modern facilities, it was like entering an oasis of calm. It was always a welcome retreat from everyday life. However, the impact of Covid-19 has been the final straw in its chequered financial history. No doubt there will be many questions, yet to be answered, but the NFWI Board of Trustees has made the decision with a very heavy heart. They have asked for our patience whilst it goes through the required consultation process.
In the meantime we are continuing to keep in touch with each other by various means with encouraging emails and telephone calls when needed.