We started the month serving tea and cake at the fete, plenty of customers meant a lot of hard work which was well rewarded. We also enjoyed talking to those who took an interest in our Centenary Exhibition, and were especially grateful to several visitors who helped us identify faces of past members. So many thanks to all who supported us on the day.
Some of our members were just as active at our meeting at the end of the month.
Fiona Caruana gave a very entertaining demonstration of Zumba and Fit Steps. Several of our members plus a few non-member volunteers were willing demonstrators! Fiona gave a quick résumé of her career from Nursery Nurse through to Fitness Instructor, also taking in the arrival of her twin boys nine years ago – a very busy lady!
She explained that she gave classes in varying levels of Zumba, tailored to the requirements of the class. Zumba Gold, for instance is low level impact and more suited to the older person. She also gives classes to Retirement Home residents and mentioned that even though a person may be chair bound, exercise can still be enjoyed.
Fit Steps was a result of an amalgamation of fitness routines and dance – a by-product of the TV series Strictly Come Dancing. Several of our members expressed an interest in her classes and Fiona mentioned that she offered free “taster sessions”.
Having celebrated our own centenary this year, it is apt that our next speaker Lynda Warren will be telling us about “A Century of Women in the W.I.”
Diary Dates:
07 October – Centenary Lunch : Esseborne Manor
12 October – Supper Club
14 October – Walking Group
21 October – Breakfast Club
24 October – Reading Group
26 October – Monthly Meeting – 7.30 p.m. Village Hall : A Century of Women in the W.I (Lynda Warren)
28 October – Lunch Club