Following a busy year, the members of Abbotts Ann WI had a relaxed December meeting. Pat Balam and Wendy Casson had kindly gathered together various snippets of information, amusing anecdotes and poignant memories with Christmas as the obvious theme. With help from a few other members, and with just one evening’s rehearsal, they were ready to entertain their audience with these readings.
This was followed by a buffet supper, each member had been asked to bring along a plate of food, but there had been some anxiety as to whether this would be a success (or not). However, WI ladies should never be underestimated and sure enough the buffet table was filled to overflowing with a wide variety of superb offerings.
To help off-set calories consumed, the walking group was out and about a few days later exploring Harewood Forest, but naturally all the good work was undone afterwards by indulging in lunch at a nearby hostelry.
There is more eating to be enjoyed in early January, just when all the fun and frivolity of the festive season is a distant memory, there is to be a formal post-Christmas Dinner. That New Year’s Resolution to diet will just have to wait a little longer!
Returning on 26th January is John Owen Smith, who when he came to Abbotts Ann a few years ago told us all about Flora Thompson of Lark Rise to Candleford fame, This time his talk is centred on the Australian gold fields and is intriguingly entitled A Parcel of Gold for Edith – so if you would like to hear more then come along to the Village Hall for a 7.30 p.m. start.
Diary Dates:
10 January – Reading Group
12 January – Annual Dinner (post-Christmas celebrations)
14 January – Walking Group
17 January – Coffee Morning
26 January – Meeting 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – A Parcel of Gold for Edith : John Owen Smith
28 January – Lunch Club
Sharon King