The first meeting of 2008 was a trip down memory lane for members of Abbotts Ann’s WI, as guest speaker Jill Bentall produced items which were evocative of many a childhood, supposedly pertinent for those born before 1944 – but it has to be said even those born later could remember more than they wished to admit! There was much laughter and exclamations of recognition, and even some singing, although younger members were not familiar with all the words of course.
Earlier in the evening, Wendy Casson was declared winner of the Competition Trophy 2007 – which means it is hers to dust for the next 12 months and Rachael Carter, leader of the Institute’s reading group, spoke of an enjoyable afternoon at the official re-opening of the Andover Library.
The walking group had met up on 12 January for much-needed exercise, all that Christmas & New Year excess had taken its toll and despite torrential rain the day before, enjoyed a lovely sunny day walking through the countryside of Wildhern & Enham – starting and finishing at the Hare & Hounds on Charlton Down.
Diary Dates:
09 February – Walking Group
26 February – Book Club
28 February – Hampshire Air Ambulance
03 March – Danebury Group Spring Meeting
08 March – Walking Group
27 March – Welcome to Spring with Mavis Cotton (flower arranging demonstration)
02 April – HCFWI Spring Council Meeting (Portsmouth)
The speaker at our next meeting on 28 February will be a representative from the Hampshire Air Ambulance, a charity which benefited by members choosing not to send Christmas cards to each other in 2007. Instead, a collection was made and a generous cheque for £115 was sent to this very worthwhile organisation, which relies largely upon voluntary donations and needs to raise £65,000 per month to continue with its vital life saving service. Therefore, if you would like to hear more about this organisation please join us in the village hall in time for a 7.30 p.m. start.
Sharon King