Just two days after our Institute’s Annual Meeting, three of our members travelled to Cardiff to attend the National Federation of Women’s Institutes’ AGM where they had a lovely, but very long day. Fortunately the sun shone and they had a quick foray into the city centre for a relaxing lunch. Changes to the NFWI’s own constitution were debated, sometimes quite heatedly – very exciting – and later in the day the Resolution encouraging us all to use our local high streets was discussed. As always there is an expert to reflect opinions for and against and it was enlightening to hear that, in fact, our shopping habits changed long before the infamous down turn in the economy. Nevertheless, this too was passed by a very large majority. So now we have to think twice before we go on line and click away – pop into town (after 4 p.m. when parking is free?!) and stroll around and see what can found in our high street.
Unfortunately the sun wasn’t shining for our June meeting, but still our members are used to the British weather and stoically turned up kitted out in wet weather gear. We were off to visit the garden of Bridge Cottage in Amport. Our hostess encouraged us to wander around garden, which is bordered by a stream and enjoy the lovely relaxed feeling the garden offered. Although she later admitted she rarely had the opportunity to utilise any of the lovely seating areas dotted around the garden. The vegetable/fruit garden had our members drooling – it was flourishing and much admired.
We then returned to the village hall for our monthly updates and refreshments, where our President Sue George had earlier prepared sandwiches, scones and cake for us.
As always it has been a busy month, with all the usual monthly activities taking place with the exception of the lunch club. No room in our diaries this time round. Our members also sent teams to take part in the early rounds of the Hampshire Federation’s quiz and darts tournaments, but unfortunately we won’t progressing further in these this time round.
Next month it is a themed evening and we are celebrating the 60s – members are being encouraged to recall their memories of that decade and bring along any memorabilia they have hidden away and share any particularly exciting experiences (as long as they were legal).
Diary Dates
02 July – Book Club
11 July – Supper Club
13 July – Walking Group
23 July – Coffee Morning
25 July – Monthly Meeting – 7.30 p.m. in The Village Hall – Themed Evening: The 60s
27 July – Lunch Club (to be confirmed)
Sharon King