The plight of the honeybee was uppermost in members’ minds this month, being the topic of this year’s Resolution to be voted on at the NFWI’s AGM in June at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Local beekeeper, John Moon, was invited to our meeting to give us the benefit of his expert knowledge and our members voted in favour of the resolution which was seeking more funding for research into the decline of this very important insect.
A few weeks earlier, several of our members supported the Village Fete’s Plant & Table Top Sale by cooking the popular bacon rolls and made a profit of just over £100 toward the fete’s funds. Val Downing thanked those involved.
The experiment of holding monthly coffee mornings are continuing and next month’s will be hosted by Sue Hancock, anyone wishing to meet us on these informal occasions will be welcome – please contact us for further information.
The walking group had a very scenic stroll around the lovely village of Nether Wallop with background information supplied by former resident Christine Fell, including tales of the time when the village was the location for the Miss Marple television series which starred Joan Hickson in the title roll.
Diary Dates:
03 June – AGM Royal Albert Hall
08 June – Quiz team taking part in annual competition
13 June – Walking Group
25 June – Garden meander around the village – starting at the Village Hall
11 July – Walking Group
30 July – Meeting at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall : Quiz followed by ploughman’s supper and members are being urged to bring along a friend
Fingers will be crossed for a fine evening for the June meeting which involves a meander around a few gardens in the village, following by a strawberry & cream supper. If you would like to join us, you would be very welcome – this meeting will start at 7 p.m. from the Village Hall.
Sharon King