WI Newsletter – May 2012

As I write this newsletter we have just had the Jubilee Weekend, but it is the month of May that is being reflected upon here and what a month it has been.

It literally started on the 1st of May with two of our members being lucky enough to secure places on a Hampshire Federation organised trip to see the Olympic site in east London. A professional guide came on board at the O2 Arena (aka The Dome) and immediately took us to the nearby Pilot Inn where a delicious lunch had been pre-arranged for us. This delightful pub has been standing there for a few hundred years and has managed to survive the redevelopment in this area and appears to be thriving. Back on the coach, across the river on the Woolwich Ferry and we drove around the site (not on or in it!) via the local road network where the various venues were pointed out to us. We had a short walk to view the site from a last minute addition of a viewing platform – there was time for us to take a few photographs. We were then driven to the Stratford Westfield shopping complex, but alas no time for retail therapy, just a quick whiz up to the viewing area at John Lewis, a quick stroll through various departments and then time to grab a quick coffee before the journey home. Whilst we spent a lot of time on the coach and obviously not allowed on site, it all looked very impressive.

At the end of the month four of us travelled to the Royal Albert Hall in London for the National Federation’s AGM – our seats were right at the top and gosh was it hot and airless, but nevertheless we enjoyed our day. Speakers included Julian Fellows, now most well known as the writer of Downton Abbey, he revealed that some of Dame Maggie Smith’s best lines as the Dowager Duchess couldbe attributed to one of his great aunts. He has always admired strong woman and enjoys developing and writing for their characters in his various dramas.

The shortage of midwives was debated and although this resolution was passed with an overwhelming majority there were some who spoke against with very valid arguments.

The day ended with a bit of strictly as Artem & Kara and Robin & Christina from the popular BBC1 tv series came along to show us a few moves.

On the last day of the month it was our Institute’s Annual meeting, a time to both reflect and look forward. Wendy Casson is alas stepping down both from her role as our very able and popular Secretary and from the committee, but she gave an amusing résumé of our activities oven the last 18 months. In turn Sue George gave her President’s address and thanked all those who had supported her; she must have enjoyed it as she has agreed to stay in office for a further 12 months. Cecilia Cotton has been persuaded to return to the committee and has come to our rescue to take on the role of Secretary. We are also delighted to welcome Kate Bennett and Lynn luces to the committee.

Next month it will be the W.I.’s turn to celebrate Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee; there will be an exhibition of various memorabilia belonging to our members, a quiz or two and some refreshments. We will also be asking if any of our members wish to share any royal jubilee (past and current) memories, so if you are not all “Jubileed out” and would like to join us it is 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall on 28th June

Diary Dates:

09 June – Walking Group

19 June – Coffee Morning

21 June – Hampshire Federation Quiz – Danebury Group heat (Abbotts Ann will be taking part)

26 June – Reading Group

28 June – Jubilee Celebrations – 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall

30 June – Lunch Club

Sharon King