No excuses this newsletter is late because my own personal preparations for Christmas have rather taken priority, but I can assure you that the Institute has been active. November is an important month for us, as all WI’s have their Annual Meeting this month. This is when the Committee for the following year is formed, we did not need an election this year as we had one vacancy, Jane Booth has reluctantly resigned due to other commitments, and one addition. Although sorry to lose Jane, I personally, am delighted that we have persuaded Sandra Newland to take the plunge and join the Committee for 2004.
There were no other great changes, as the positions of President, two Vice Presidents and Secretary remain as Sharon King, Sue Hancock, Jill Reynolds and Sheila Lockhart. All other posts are allocated at the January committee meeting.
During the Annual Meeting, the Secretary gave a Report for the year, concentrating on the meetings and events that we have hosted, attended and organised, and the President gave an address including thanking the Committee for all their hard work.
The Treasurer also presented our audited accounts, and I am pleased to say that our finances are healthy.
For this meeting there is a formal Agenda to follow, and once this had been completed we were able to have some social time, otherwise known as chatting, which is a nice change.
Earlier in the month, we were delighted to receive a cheque from the Fete Committee for £265 which we will be using to repair/restore our banner, which as mentioned in earlier newsletters we have discovered dates back to the 1920’s. This subject is very topical, as we learnt at our Autumn Council Meeting that there is to be a national database created to record all the items that each Institute has, such as banners and embroidered tablecloths.
As usual, Abbotts Ann WI took part in the annual skittles competition organised by Hampshire Federation, and this round organised by the Danebury Group had an exciting finish. Having levelled with Nether Wallop after three rounds, we had to bowl again, in a play-off for a place in the semi final, unfortunately our bowling skills let us down at the last minute, but we can, nevertheless, hold our heads up high.
Several of our members attended an Open Day at WI House in Winchester, this was organised following the success of the film Calendar Girls, which has resulted in an upsurge of interest in the organisation and hopefully an influx of new members.
Sheila Lockhart and I attended an event in the Village Hall on Sunday 23 November, organised to welcome those who had moved to the village in the last 18 months or so and to show them, if they did not already know, how many activities are available in the Village. We thought this was a very good idea and enjoyed talking to people, and who knows the WI may reap the benefits next year.
Jacquie Wilson is busy organising the programme for next year and, of course, we have our Christmas Party in December, more of which will be in next month’s newsletter.
Just to get you interested, however, we are intending to have an informal social evening in the Eagle on 15 January at 7.30 p.m. This is just a chance to have a drink and chat, so if you feel shy at coming along to a meeting for the first time, why not come to the pub instead!
Sharon King