Thankfully our Reading Group was unaffected by the elements and able to meet as planned to discuss their latest literary selection, but unfortunately our monthly walk had to abandoned due to adverse weather conditions. After a week of very heavy rain, the forecast for the second Saturday in the month was for strong winds and heavy rain, stalwart as our members are, it was felt better to err on the side of caution and give our legs a rest.
Regrettably, this was only two days after our coffee morning had to be cancelled, as Evelyn White’s boiler decided to stop working and the engineers could not attend in time to enable our members to gather in a warm environment.
However, we were able to get together for our Annual Meeting at the end of the month. Val Downing is to continue for another as year as our President, Carol Taylor is stepping down as Secretary and Wendy Casson has agreed to take on this role again; Jenny Gorski has resigned from the Committee having kept our books balanced as our Treasurer for the last two years.
Also leaving the Committee are Maureen Evans and Diana Cooper, but joining us is Gill Page. Diana moved away from Andover earlier this year and we miss her, as she was a keen walker and a member of our victorious skittles team.
The Walnut Tree Inn at Appleshaw was the venue for our luncheon club and we enjoyed a pleasant few hours rest from all that shopping we have to do at this time of year, bliss!
Diary Dates:
10 December – Christmas Celebrations – 7 p.m. in the Village Hall
12 December – Walking Group
16 December – Reading Group
09 January – Walking Group
12 January – Reading Group (The Dig by John Preston)
14 January – Coffee Morning
28 January – Meeting at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall: On the Trail of Flora Thompson – John Owen Smith
30 January – Luncheon Club
Our December meeting is a little earlier, on the 10th, and will be able to relax as we let our caterers do all the work as we sit back and enjoy an evening of feasting and chatting.
Sharon King