As outgoing President Val Downing was sailing up The Solent, returning from a celebratory holiday, Vice-President Sue George, deputising for her, was conducting our Annual Meeting. Sue did such a brilliant job she was subsequently voted in as President for the next 18 months.
Val had left her annual report to be read in her absence, and amongst those being thanked for all their hard work over the last 12 months, were members stepping down from the Committee. Unfortunately, as there were no volunteers to take their place this means that Sue will be leading a reduced team, however, members did offer their support and willingness to help whenever necessary. Wendy Casson, who is continuing as Secretary, gave a résumé of all our activities during the last year and our Treasurer was delighted to reveal that the books had balanced.
On the 4th November, there was the chance for our members to see the wall-hanging they had created “in situ” at the new school. We have produced some notelets depicting the wall-hanging and are hopeful that these will soon be available to purchase from the Village Shop – £2.50 for a pack of five. The proceeds from the sale of these will be donated to the Countess of Brecknock Hospice in Andover in memory of Sheila Lockhart who was actively involved in this project.
In the New Year some of our members will be taking up their needles again to knit much needed jumpers for the children of Zimbabwe. If you have any unwanted balls of double knitting wool then our members would love to hear from you please.
Our next meeting is on the 9th December when we plan to indulge in some Christmas festivities.
Diary Dates:
09 December – Christmas Festivities in the Village Hall
11 December – Walking Group
08 January – Walking Group 11 January – Reading Group
27 January – Meeting 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – Peter Redmond : “The Wrong Side of the Blanket”-
Sharon King