The Autumn meetings of both Danebury Group and Hampshire Federation take place in October and several of our members travelled to Grateley for the former on the first Monday of October, where they greatly enjoyed their evening. Any puns are purely intentional.
A few weeks later and six of were to be found on the train bound for The Anvil at Basingstoke for the latter. After hearing from our new Federation Chairman, Lynn Andrews and representatives of various sub-committees, all of whom were enthusiastic about the opportunities available to us all, it was time for our first guest speaker. Santa Sebag Montefiore is a successful author of several books and she rather tantalising us told us that her life could be divided into “before Argentina” and “after Argentina”. BUT, we never did find out what actually happened in that South American country – however, she did tell us that she has been known to utilise the less attractive characteristics of people she has encountered in real life in her fictional characters; as people are less likely to sue in such circumstances.
A short lunch break and then it was back to hear from Paul Atterbury, who had been invited to talk about his unpredictable life and is probably best known for his appearances on the Antiques Roadshow. His other claim to fame, however, is that his mother was a puppeteer who pulled the strings of Andy Pandy.
Helen Stuart has been very busy this month, as not only did she host a very successful coffee morning, she also led our walkers on their monthly amble – this month it was around the lovely Stockbridge Down. Helen also organised the lunch club that met at The Oak in Smannell.
If you regularly read this monthly newsletter, and I sincerely hope there are some of you out there that do, then you will be aware that we were the triumphant winners of Hampshire Federation’s annual skittles competition earlier this year. There has been no time to rest on our laurels as our skittles team were once more in action to defend our title. Unfortunately, we came last so there is nothing more to say or report!
Diary Dates:
04 November – Book Club
12 November – Coffee Morning
14 November – Walking Group
26 November – Annual Meeting – 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall
28 November – Lunch Club
10 December – Christmas Celebrations – 7 p.m. in the Village Hall
12 December – Walking Group
16 December – Book Club
It is our Annual Meeting on 26 November when the previous 12 months are reviewed and we look forward to the coming year with the formation of a new committee.
Sharon King