Members of Abbotts Ann WI may be a little more discerning about jewellery containing diamonds, since this month’s meeting. Winchester Jeweller, Jeremy France, came along to give us the benefit of his many years of experience. Indeed his expertise is often called upon by Winchester Crown Court.
We learnt that whilst two rings may be identical in the number of carats, the one with lesser larger stones will be more valuable in monetary terms that one with clusters of smaller diamonds. This was demonstrated by the circulation of a tray of rings and bracelets. The most popular ring was a cluster setting worth a mere £4,000, whilst the ring with the larger setting of three diamonds was worth £29,000! Yes Mr France did get everything returned to him.
A big thank you to everyone who supported us at the Village Fete by indulging in our refreshments, which proved to be as popular as ever. Sue George thanked all those members who had worked hard both on the day and beforehand to ensue another successful afternoon.
Further assistance was sought for the planned Halloween Coffee Morning in the Village Hall on 26th October (half term and yes children are welcome) this is a fund raising event for our WI. There will be various stalls and entertainment for younger guests. Entrance is £1.50 for adults and £1 for children and this will include a drink and cake.
Our Midnight Walkers in June were congratulated when it was reviled that between them they had raised a total of £521.60 for the Countess of Brecknock Hospice.
Other future events were discussed as well as the monthly, coffee mornings, lunches, reading and walking groups’ activities.
We have invited Tim Tayler along next month to talk about the history of Abbotts Ann, so if you would like to hear more about the village’s past, then we would be pleased to welcome you.
Diary Dates:
03 October – Danebury Group Autumn Meeting
08 October – Walking Group
12 October – Coffee Morning
18 October – Hampshire Federation Autumn Meeting
26 October – Halloween Coffee Morning 10.30 a.m. Abbotts Ann Village Hall (Entrance £1.50 to include drink and cake – children £1)
27 October – Meeting 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall – Tim Tayler : History of Abbotts Ann
28 October – Danebury Group round of Hampshire Federation’s Skittles Competitions
03 November – Reading Group
Sharon King