Housing for local people – public meeting


7:00 pm


Event Type

In April this year a Housing Needs Survey was delivered to every home in the village. More than one in three of us completed it and returned it – a good result for this kind of survey.

Eight out of ten of those who responded said they would like to see a small housing development in Abbotts Ann. Some are in favour of building affordable homes for people who belong to the village but can’t afford open market prices. Others support a mixed scheme of affordable homes and small dwellings for people who want to down-size because they are living in homes which have become too large for them.
Now the Abbotts Ann Housing Project Team would like to bring you our ideas for how such a development should be progressed for the benefit both of those needing housing and of the village as a whole
Our Parish Council supports it. Now it’s time to tell you all about it and hear your views at a
Public Meeting
Abbotts Ann School
Thursday 19th January from 7.00 pm