Price £1 from the Village Shop or delivered free in Abbotts Ann on subscription of £12 per annum.
Monthly or Annual advertising is available and leaflet drops can be arranged.
Advertising rates are as follows:-
- Monthly advertising (black and white only)
- Quarter page £15 per insertion
- Half page £30 per insertion
- Full page £60 per insertion
(For half page or full page advertisements for three months or more without any changes £25 and £55 per insertion)
Annual advertising — 12 issues in black and white running from June to the following May
- Quarter page £55
- Half Page £77
- Full Page £120
For colour advertisements please contact Graham Platford.
Occasionally cover pages in colour become available – prices on request
PDF copies of recent magazines can be downloaded from the website, older copies can be supplied on request.
For editorial and monthly advertisements apply to the Editor
Judeth Dashwood (710 640)
For annual advertising apply to Advertising Representative
Graham Platford (711164)
For leaflet drops and subscriptions apply to Distribution Team Leader
Jill Tayler (710201)